Warm greetings on this special Darshan day – the Mother’s birthday!
In a conversation with Mona Sarkar, the Mother once said that it would take one hundreds of births to understand what She is. And yet, and because She is the All-compassionate Universal Mother, She reveals Herself to Her devotees who love Her. And still She shall remain unseizable (from the book ‘The Supreme‘).
When we read accounts by senior sadhaks of Sri Aurobindo Ashram — those who were blessed to have close and intimate interactions with the Mother for decades, we enter into a new kind of contact with the Mother.
We connect with the Individual Mother, the One who was (and is) looking after all the inner and outer needs of the sadhaks, the One whose limitless and boundless Divine Love can heal all pain and cure all ills, whose one smile can bring eternal peace and joy to the aching heart, whose one look can point the sadhak’s inner being toward the right and the true and the beautiful.
Those of us who haven’t had the blessing to be in the physical presence of the Mother have so much to gain from reading the memories carefully preserved and compiled by so many of the senior sadhaks of the Ashram.

Remembering the Mother
For this special issue on the Mother’s birthday, we are featuring a few selections from the works of five sadhaks. These include:
- Some Memories of the Mother – by Amal Kiran
- The Mother’s Divine Ways of Action – by Nirodbaran
- Mother’s Close Rapport with Plants, Flowers and Trees – by Priti Dasgupta
- Mother’s Answers on Sadhana and Life – by Tara Jauhar
- Mother’s Way of Inculcating the Right Attitude – by Champaklal
In carefully reading through the accounts we see different aspects of the Mother shining through. She is in one instance full of Mahalakshmi’s Love, and in another swift in Her response as the Mahakali. She is patient as Mahasaraswati so that Her children can cultivate perfect attitude; and She is calm and wide in wisdom in Her Maheshwari aspect when gently guiding on the path of sadhana.
We conclude the issue with Part 3 of the ongoing series from Sri Aurobindo Circle archives — “Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretation of Indian Culture – Mahabharata” by Prema Nandkumar.
As always, we offer this work at the lotus feet of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
In gratitude,
Beloo Mehra (for Renaissance Editorial Team)
~ Design: Raamkumar