Inner Bliss – Indescribable Beauty (A Poem with Flower Mandalas)

Home » Inner Bliss – Indescribable Beauty (A Poem with Flower Mandalas)

Editor’s note: In his essay titled National Value of Art, Sri Aurobindo speaks of the role that arts and aesthetic development play in the process of cittasuddhi, the purification of the citta or mass of established ideas, feelings and actional habits in an individual either by samyama, rejection, or by bhoga, satisfaction, or by both. This purification of feeling, passions and emotions in the heart provides one important justification of why arts and arts education are so essential.

We feature a contemplative composition by Sudha Prabhu, which speaks of this process of cittasuddhi, the emotional purification, a journey of seeking harmony, beauty and joy. The flower mandalas shown here are also her creations. Working with flowers is one of the contemplative aesthetic practices she uses in her journey of self-discovery – from beauty to bliss.

Contemplating on these flower mandalas this editor is reminded of the Mother’s words where she says that any gesture of expressing love for the Divine such as arranging flowers in a certain way or burning incense, or japa can be made beautiful when it is an expression of self-giving.

Inner Bliss – Indescribable Beauty

The space of listened to, so palpable
Heart spoke its truth, unchallengeable.

Emotions as sensations moving so distinguishable
No judgements or advice, spoke in the moment what is, otherwise undeliverable
Sacred was the offering, for my being so invaluable
Silence held such depth, every expression honorable.

Deeply touching and moving, me and the other as one, comforting ‘n companionable
Mind ceased in silence, the equanimity felt was unfathomable
The longing to belong, be seen as me finally conceivable
Allowance of parts not owned, in the present, reclaimable.

The awareness, what I am left with as suffering and what is insufferable
Being a friend to all that’s happening, as a witness accountable
Patterns and meanings underneath are today questionable
In the past all that one went through perhaps deeply regrettable.

Life synchronised events, going through them feelings seemed unspeakable
Yet today re-visiting, no pain or anguish of then, not totally alienable
Context different now, form and feel of content changeable
A space, sacred and pure, healing and transformation reachable.

Identity and patterns dissolving, clarity and movement seemingly presentable
Gratitude in heart, the connection humbling and unstoppable
Flowing and immersion delightful, living ‘n loving, ever be held back is unthinkable
Each day a promise of discovery, being and becoming, whole we are immeasurable.

About the poet:

Sudha Prabhu, an HR Leader, is now a coach holding space for transformation — for individuals and organizations. She has been living in Auroville since 2022, where she supports execution of different projects. She is most happy pursuing learning and application of Indic Wisdom, joyfully immersed in her creative works including poems, paintings or flower mandalas.

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