Editor’s note: No Yoga, individual or collective can be done without complete faith and trust in the Higher Power or Supreme Being who is also hiding within as our Secret Self. The aspirant invokes the Divine Grace to accept his or her personal effort and aspiration. Without the Grace descending from above, no amount of personal effort at rejecting the countless imperfections within can help one make lasting progress. This is true for the individual sadhana, and equally true for the national sadhana.
The poem sent to us by Kiran Sood reminds us of this truth.

A line too far across horizon
Drenched in sunshine sweet
Calling from above to merge with
Eternity or just hovering around
There are larger questions staring at
Humanity; which way one goes
To hide one’s own deeds and endure
The pain or let live one all by oneself
To find dignity within, not in hypothetical world
Being true to one’s own self in life and death.
Let manmade crisp and sweet candy
Be distributed amongst thirsty clans
Equally and let them live in harmony
Beyond boundaries and save all children
With equity and equanimity for sure.
We on earth are helpless and weak
Against all odds and furious nature
Drowning in sorrow of gone by year
Scared of today and sceptic about future
Because of own deeds and common crime.
Yet there is scope for Grace from above
Quenching thirst of millions with light
Of knowledge, a nectar of pure love
For people in acute pain, and caring hand
For hungry stomach and a word of solace
For all of humanity suffering from within
There is sparkling wine within for keeping
Us alive, there is secret treasure within
All of us; that leads us to heights of Himalayas
Depth of high seas, that is infinite O’ Delight!

It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for―if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it.
~ The Mother, CWM, Vol. 14, p. 83
~ Design: Beloo Mehra