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A Special Issue on the Mother as an Artist

After last month’s special offering which included the release of the first issue of Renaissance Redux, and the launch of Children’s Corner, along with rich content related to appreciation of Indian art and a book review, we are happy to bring another special issue this month. The focus this time is on the Mother as […]

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The Way of the Indian Artist

In the Indian vision, all Art is a medium to express the Ananda, this Eternal Delight through form. An Indian painter or sculptor seeks the pure intensities of delight as he searches for the universal beauty revealed or hidden in all creation. As he seeks perfection in the form that comes through his hand or brush, his inner being experiences a sort of enlightenment through the power of a certain “spiritually aesthetic Ananda”, reminds Sri Aurobindo.

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“Each action left the footprints of a god”

The Mother speaks of Sri Aurobindo as the “Future advancing towards its realisation”. He is the Avatar of the Future, the one who not only declares that in the spiritual development of the consciousness upon earth “the great past ought to be followed by a greater future,” but has also given world the assurance of a divine future.

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The One Who Fashions a Cosmos, and a Curl

The absolute Brahman manifests as the Ishwara, the one Eternal. It also manifests as the multiplicity of the One in the Jiva, the living creature. Thus creating the double aspect of Being and Becoming. What we call as the soul or psychic entity in the individual is an eternal portion of Brahman, the Ishwara. But what of the other parts in an individual which move, act, and grow in the plane of Ignorance? What of the world movements, the affairs of our lives and the struggles and conflicts therein? If all these are workings of the Nature, of which our human nature is an intrinsic aspect, what is the relation of Ishwara with the Nature? The current issue and the one following this will explore some aspects of the theme – Divine in Nature.

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Sri Aurobindo on Symbolism in the Veda

After exploring the theme of Yoga of Indian Nation, we do a deep dive into the soul of India, the Sanatana Dharma. The Veda, Sri Aurobindo tells us, is the bed-rock of Indian civilisation, and is the creation of an early intuitive and symbolic mentality. Inspired by this we explore in this issue the theme of symbolism in Sanatana Dharma.

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