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India, the Spiritual Battlefield of the World

In our ongoing series – Streams of Sadhana, we turn our attention to collective yoga this time – Yoga of the Indian Nation. India today is politically free. But is she also on her way to rediscover her unique temperament, her true role and mission? Are we as a people working toward a true Indian renaissance that is grounded in India’s eternal spirit and truths? The current issue explores some of these questions and more.

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“She is the Force, the Inevitable Word”

On this auspicious day of Vijayadashami, we release a special issue celebrating Divine Shakti. During this Navaratri, our worship of the Divine Shakti took many forms including working on this issue, facilitating a 4-day intense workshop for children, and more. Invoking the Divine Mother who is the Source of all our work and the ever-present Force and Guidance behind it all, we invite our readers to browse through this specially curated issue.

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Streams of Sādhanā: Concentrate and Progress

This is the first issue in a new series titled ‘Streams of Sādhanā’, and focuses on the theme – Concentration and Focus. As is the practice at Renaissance, the current issue explores the theme in a multi-dimensional manner, since Integral Yoga does not leave out any aspect of life. Readers will find here explorations into the topic from the perspectives of spiritual sādhanā, study and mental development, overall well-being, and more.

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Food that Nourishes, Sleep that Refreshes

After taking up themes on Conscious Parenting, Education, Work, Human Relations, Money, Religion, and Literature, we now take up the theme of Food, Sleep and Yoga in our All Life is Yoga series. Curating and editing this issue has been an especially joyful work because of the numerous possibilities this theme offered to share and express what we were learning.

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On Life, Literature and Yoga

What is the right place and significance of reading spiritual literature in the path of sadhana? Can reading help prepare the sadhak, can it become a hindrance? Should a sadhak read only spiritual or religious literature? What about the literary classics that are often considered ‘secular’ literature? What does it mean to study literature or write only for the Divine? These and a few more questions are explored in the current issue.

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Indian Cultural Wisdom on Money

In our ‘All Life is Yoga’ series, after taking up the topics of conscious parenting, education, work and human relationships, we now focus on Money. What is the nature of money? What is the yogic attitude toward money? What does Indian tradition say about this? What are some key insights from the works and vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which we must keep in our consideration as we navigate this tricky area of material well-being for ourselves and our societies and nations, and also prepare ourselves for higher pursuits of life? These and other related questions are addressed through our offerings in this issue.

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Arjuna’s Crisis and Divine Obligation to Act

In our ‘All Life is Yoga’ series, this month we take up the theme – Work and Yoga. In addition to relevant selections from different volumes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, our offerings also include insightful writings by M.P. Pandit, Shobha Mitra, Prema Nandkumar, Martha Orton, M.S. Srinivasan, Divyanshi Chugh, Narendra Murty and a video recording of a book discussion with Larry Seidlitz.

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“To know oneself and to control oneself”

Building upon the previous issue’s theme of Conscious Parenting, this issue explores the theme – ‘Education for the New Age.’ Starting with September 2021, this new series of 12 issues is inspired by the famous line of Sri Aurobindo – “All Life is Yoga” and aims to dive deep into the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and other senior sadhaks to seek a few pearls of wisdom which can guide us to work toward a true renaissance of India.

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