Silence and Solitude

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Of Silence, Voices, and the Voice of God

In this beautiful essay circa 1912, Sri Aurobindo gently reminds us of the necessity to silence the voices of what he refers to as “the gods of the heart, the gods of the mind, the gods of desire, the gods of sense” which inevitably come as an aspirant walks on the path. These voices alter and distort the Voice of the Supreme, yet as he tells us, it is through these voices also the Supreme leads the aspirant according to his or her unique nature and temperament.

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हृदय में ज्ञान का दीप मौन में ही जलता है – In Silence Alone Dawns the True Knowledge

The author speaks of the deep inner silence necessary to grow closer to the Divine. She reminds that none of this is possible without the Grace of the Guru.

हृदय में ज्ञान का दीप मौन में ही जलता है – In Silence Alone Dawns the True Knowledge Read More »

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