Volume III, Issue 3
Author: The Mother
Editor’s Note:
Sri Aurobindo once said that for a true resurgence of Indian spirit, the recovery of the old spiritual knowledge and experience in all its splendour, depth and fullness is our first, most essential work. This recovery is not to be confined to intellectual or mental sphere. It must become a living force guiding all aspects of our life. The Mother reminds us there are no two separate lives – spiritual life and ordinary life. Thus all life and works are to be taken up in the spirit of sādhanā.
This has been the eternal and inmost significance of Indian spirituality since millennia. And this has to become once again the main inspiring motive-power for a new India – new because it is a rebirth of the timeless Indian spirit. Outer work has true meaning only when it becomes a means to progress inwardly in our consciousness, when it is done as sādhanā, as an offering to the Divine.
For our Sādhanā series this month, we highlight a prayer from the Mother’s Prayers and Meditations, which reminds us to become a strong and courageous being, to break all the resistances and surrender completely to the Supreme Mother, and to aspire to become a true instrument of her.
~ Beloo Mehra

What kind of courage is mine that I always try to avoid the fight? What kind of energy is mine, that I am instinctively frightened of the new effort to be made and try, without being aware of it, to go to sleep passively, relying upon the results of previous efforts? In order to act, I have to be compelled and my mute contemplation is partly made of laziness…. All this is becoming more and more clearly apparent to me.
All that I have done till now seems to me to be nothing. The poverty and limitations of the instrument I put at Thy service, Lord, are evident to me, and I laugh a little sorrowfully at the idea that at times I could have a good opinion of my being, its efforts and their results. This threshold of the true life that I always think I have reached is like a hope bestowed upon me but never a tangible realisation; it is the toy promised to a child, the reward held out for a moment before the weak.
When shall I become a truly strong being, made entirely of courage, energy, valour and calm perseverance; when shall I have forgotten my own person completely enough to be nothing but an instrument moulded solely by the forces it has to manifest? When will my consciousness of unity be no longer tinged with any inertia; when will my feeling of divine love be no longer mixed with any weakness?
O Lord, all thought seems dead within me, now that I have asked these questions. I search for my conscious mind and I do not find it; I search for my individuality and I cannot discover it anywhere; I search for my personal will and it is not there. I search for Thee, and Thou art silent…. Silence, silence….
Now I seem to hear Thy voice: “Never hast thou known how to die integrally. Always something in thee has wanted to know, to witness, to understand. Surrender completely, learn how to disappear, break the last barrier that separates thee from me; accomplish unreservedly thy act of surrender.” Alas, O Lord, for a long time have I wanted it, but I could not. Now wilt Thou give me the power to do so?
O Lord, my sweet eternal Master, break this resistance which fills me with anguish… deliver me from myself!
~ The Mother, (CWM, 1: 119)

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~ Design: Raamkumar