Sri Aurobindo

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“To make the yoga the ideal of human life that India rises today”

We are relaunching the Renaissance with this issue centered on the theme of Yoga. Sri Aurobindo once said that it is to make the yoga the ideal of human life that India is rising today. Guided by these words, this present issue is our humble offering toward the celebration of June 21 as the International Yoga Day.

“To make the yoga the ideal of human life that India rises today” Read More »

Will the New Creation be Preceded by Destruction? (Part 1)

Author: Kishor Gandhi Destruction: The First Condition of Progress Now that the Supramental Truth which will create a New Age in human evolution is increasingly pressing to manifest in the external life of the world, the question naturally arises as to how it will deal with those elements in the life and consciousness of humanity

Will the New Creation be Preceded by Destruction? (Part 1) Read More »

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