Editor’s note: We feature here selected words of Mother on the importance of Sri Aurobindo’s birth on earth and his eternal presence. We also invite the readers to meditate on the Mother’s advice given at the time of Sri Aurobindo’s Birth Centenary on how to pay homage to Sri Aurobindo.

Eternal Presence of Sri Aurobindo
Disciple: You spoke of Sri Aurobindo’s birth as “eternal” in the history of the universe. What exactly was meant by “eternal”?
The Mother: The sentence can be understood in four different ways on four ascending planes of consciousness:
1) Physically, the consequence of the birth will be of eternal importance to the world.
2) Mentally, it is a birth that will be eternally remembered in the universal history.
3) Psychically, a birth that recurs for ever from age to age upon earth.
4) Spiritually, the birth of the Eternal upon earth.
Since the beginning of earth history, Sri Aurobindo has always presided over the great earthly transformations, under one form or another, one name or another. [. . .]

[. . .] Sri Aurobindo is in the subtle physical, you can meet him when you sleep, if you know how to go there.
During sleep a sadhak had a vision of Sri Aurobindo in his subtle physical body living in the subtle physical world. He sent a report of his vision to Mother, who replied:
The Mother: Sri Aurobindo shows himself according to the need of each one and in the subtle physical the things are not as fixed as they are here. Attach more importance to the feeling produced by the vision than to details of what you have seen.
[. . .] Sri Aurobindo is constantly in the subtle physical, very active there. I see him almost daily, and last night I spent many hours with him. If you become conscious in the subtle physical you will surely meet him, it is what he called the true physical—it has nothing to do with the psychic.
– The Mother (CWM, 13: 10-13)

What does Sri Aurobindo’s life represent?
What Sri Aurobindo represents in the world’s history is not a teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme.
He has come to bid the earth to prepare for its luminous future.
Sri Aurobindo has brought to the world the assurance of a divine future.

Sri Aurobindo has come on earth not to bring a teaching or a creed in competition with previous creeds or teachings, but to show the way to overpass the past and to open concretely the route towards an imminent and inevitable future.
Sri Aurobindo does not belong to the past nor to history. Sri Aurobindo is the Future advancing towards its realisation. Thus we must shelter the eternal youth required for a speedy advance, in order not to become laggards on the way.
– The Mother (CWM, 13: 4-5)
We bow to you, Sri Aurobindo, O Sun of the New Age, Bringer of the New Light! (Video)
Sri Aurobindo belongs to the future; he is the messenger of the future. He still shows us the way to follow in order to hasten the realisation of a glorious future fashioned by the Divine Will. All those who want to collaborate for the progress of humanity and for India’s luminous destiny must unite in a clairvoyant aspiration and in an illumined work.

[. . .] Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised. He came to give not a hope but a certitude of the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its expression. The world needs the certitude of the beauty of the future. And Sri Aurobindo has given that assurance.
– The Mother, CWM, Vol. 13, pp. 14-15)

The Mother on Sri Aurobindo’s Birth Centenary
Disciple: In what ways can those connected with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother best celebrate the Birth Centenary of Sri Aurobindo?
The Mother: Aspire and be sincere and obstinate in your endeavour.
Disciple: In what way can people in general best celebrate the Birth Centenary of Sri Aurobindo?
The Mother: Make an effort to progress in understanding. [. . .]
The best homage we can pay to Sri Aurobindo is to prepare for the advent of the Supramental race.
[. . .] The red lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth.

[. . .] To understand his teaching better and try to put it into practice, is certainly the best way of showing our gratitude to him for all the light, knowledge and force which he has so generously brought to the earth. May his teaching enlighten and guide us, and what we cannot do today, we shall do tomorrow. Let us take the right attitude in all sincerity, and it will truly be a BONNE ANNEE.
Without the Divine we are limited, incompetent and helpless beings; with the Divine, if we give ourselves entirely to Him, all is possible and our progress is limitless. A special help has come upon the earth for Sri Aurobindo’s centenary year; let us take advantage of it to overcome the ego and emerge into the light. BONNE ANNÉE
[. . .] When Sri Aurobindo left his body he said that he would not abandon us. And, in truth, during these twenty-one years, he has always been with us, guiding and helping all those who are receptive and open to his influence. In this year of his centenary, his help will be stronger still. It is up to us to be more open and to know how to take advantage of it. The future is for those who have the soul of a hero. The stronger and more sincere our faith, the more powerful and effective will be the help received.
Sri Aurobindo came upon earth to announce the manifestation of the supramental world and not merely did he announce this manifestation but embodied also in part the supramental force and showed by example what one must do to prepare oneself for manifesting it.
The best thing we can do is to study all that he has told us and endeavour to follow his example and prepare ourselves for the new manifestation. This gives life its real sense and will help us to overcome all obstacles. Let us live for the new creation and we shall grow stronger and stronger by remaining young and progressive.
[. . .] Sri Aurobindo is an emanation of the Supreme who came on earth to announce the manifestation of a new race and a new world: the Supramental. Let us prepare for it in all sincerity and eagerness. [. . .]
The best homage that we can render to Sri Aurobindo on his centenary is to have a thirst for progress and to open all our being to the Divine Influence of which he is the Messenger upon the earth.
– The Mother (CWM, 13: 14-20)

Read: Sri Aurobindo on Himself: Life, Work, Past Lives

~ Design: Raamkumar