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वो जो ब्रह्मांड सजाता है, वही तो लटें संवारता है Of Cosmos and Curl (Transl)

A reader’s translation of the editorial from last month’s issue. With this as her first offering for Renaissance, she is also joining our family of authors.

वो जो ब्रह्मांड सजाता है, वही तो लटें संवारता है Of Cosmos and Curl (Transl) Read More »

The One Who Fashions a Cosmos, and a Curl

The absolute Brahman manifests as the Ishwara, the one Eternal. It also manifests as the multiplicity of the One in the Jiva, the living creature. Thus creating the double aspect of Being and Becoming. What we call as the soul or psychic entity in the individual is an eternal portion of Brahman, the Ishwara. But what of the other parts in an individual which move, act, and grow in the plane of Ignorance? What of the world movements, the affairs of our lives and the struggles and conflicts therein? If all these are workings of the Nature, of which our human nature is an intrinsic aspect, what is the relation of Ishwara with the Nature? The current issue and the one following this will explore some aspects of the theme – Divine in Nature.

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The New Consciousness and Human Attitude

In this conversation with a disciple, dated 2 May 1956, the Mother explains clearly what it takes to perceive the working of a new consciousness in the earth-atmosphere. She reminds that if want the new supramental consciousness to transform us, we must open ourselves and make an effort to progress.

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Reminiscences of the Mother’s Grace

In our Book of the Month feature, we highlight some precious reminiscences of K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran). They speak the working of the Mother’s Grace. The precise reason for featuring these extracts in the current issue has to do with the connection to the Supramental Manifestation of 29 February 1956.

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