Twelve Soul-qualities

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Japanese Flower-artist: A timeless story retold in multiple languages

During her stay in Japan from 1916 to 1920 the Mother translated and adapted some stories written by F. J. Gould. Her versions, written in French and first published as Belles Histoires, later appeared in English translation as Tales of All Times. The Mother explained that these stories were written for children “to discover themselves and follow a path of right and beauty.” The timeless nature of these stories make them equally appealing to grown-ups, or shall we say, to all who aspire to be truly a child of the Mother. In this issue, we are retelling a story titled ‘Modesty’ in multiple languages.

Japanese Flower-artist: A timeless story retold in multiple languages Read More »

“All That is True and Sincere Will Always be Kept”

This special issue opens a year-long celebration of Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birthday and 75th anniversary of India’s political independence. Starting with this issue, the next 12 issues will explore the 12 attributes that the Mother has identified as soul-powers necessary for full manifestation of Her Work. The present issue explores Sincerity in a multi-dimensional approach. Special features on Sri Aurobindo’s work as a revolutionary nationalist are also included.

“All That is True and Sincere Will Always be Kept” Read More »

“Let Your Sincerity and Surrender be Genuine and Entire”

Compiled here are a few words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which highlight the significance of Sincerity on the path of yoga. Sincerity in yoga means to have all the being consciously turned towards the one Truth, the one Divine. But that is one of the most difficult tasks for human nature, much more difficult than a rigid asceticism or a fervent piety. This is why constant guidance and inspiration from Their Words are our support on the way.

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Inculcating Sincerity in Children: Guidance for Parents and Teachers

These selections taken from the Mother’s volumes highlight some practical advise on how to inculcate the values of sincerity, honesty, straightforwardness, courage, unselfishness, patience, endurance, perseverance, and self-control in children from an early age. She reminds the parents and educators that these things are taught infinitely better by example than by beautiful speeches.

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Of Animals, Kings, Pundits and Rishis: Sincerity Stories as Told by the Mother

In these delightful timeless tales retold by the Mother we get some important lessons on the value of straightforwardness, speaking the truth without any fear, and the importance of growing in sincerity for destroying falsehood and hypocrisy.

Of Animals, Kings, Pundits and Rishis: Sincerity Stories as Told by the Mother Read More »

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