Embracing Life in Its Many Colours and Hues

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Editor’s Note: Sri Aurobindo writes in The Human Cycle,

“The art, music and literature of the world, always a sure index of the vital tendencies of the age, have also undergone a profound revolution in the direction of an ever-deepening subjectivism. The great objective art and literature of the past no longer commands the mind of the new age.”

CWSA, Vol. 25, p. 30

Sudha Prabhu offers for our readers two beautiful examples of such art and literature which speak of her inner experiences. The focus is on connecting at a deeper level with the colours, the meanings hidden in the subtle vibrations of the different colours, all emerging from a subjective perspective.

Art by Sudha Prabhu

Rainbow of Life

Capture of twilight violet
Adorning like Grace’s amulet
Unimagined beautiful starlet.

Dark hue of the indigo
A threshold held to let go
Whisper, thou my amigo.

Sight of expansive blue
Under her cover a true value
I am, receive a clue.

Reign in the ever green
Powers a nourishing sheen
Her absence, damages unseen.

A bright halo of yellow
Warmth of one’s fellow
Promises none shallow.

Setting sun sky orange
Delight of a joyful exchange
Present ever to change.

Mud a beautiful red
In rain sensuous beauty shared
Live on earth cared.

As one colorful bow
On the sky as a rainbow
Within a serene flow.

See more by Sudha Prabhu

Art by Sudha Prabhu

The RED Presence

Walked into the nature, captured my attention a tiny bloom in red
Her color so resplendent amongst the green bed
Held my attention I was fully raptured
A bright spark, being her she cheered
In her fullness a story held yet untouched
The shades of the red, hues fascinated
Never before was I so enthralled.

Red to me was color of blood
Brought painful memories in a flood
Of the grief and anger all those times I was misunderstood
The heart heavy and weighed down felt like dead wood
About myself I didn’t feel worthy and good.

Too bold and in the face, she wasn’t someone to hide her face
Many a war fought, both in and out, scars held with no disgrace
Red at the signal to stop, in life not to race
The price and penalty of breaking, a lurking ever fearful ready to drop mace
A deep longing in my heart for some soothing solace
No longer running listlessly, centered in everlasting peace

As deep red of life she is a radiant vibrancy
She flowed as warm passion of unmatched brilliancy
Coursing through the body as energy with no hesitancy
Dissolving in her bosom discrepant thoughts and chaos, no more stagnancy
Surging and flowing she was creative force of no expectancy
Opening into her in total surrender, her embrace uplifting me to joyous constancy.

~ Design: Beloo Mehra

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