Volume II, Issue 7
Author: Imran Ali Namazi
Editor’s note: The Mother once said that to be a true Aurovilian, the minimum requirement is that one must belong to the enlightened portion of humanity and aspire for the higher consciousness which will govern the species of tomorrow (CWM, Vol. 13, p. 210).
The same may be said of all who dream of a new world based on a new consciousness of unity, harmony, bliss, and progress. In these few lines below, the poet while expressing his aspiration for a divine life on earth also invites those who wish to walk the path of self-perfection for perfecting the world outside.

Lost in the mystery that is this magical Earth,
I idly ruminate on the past, a cuppa at my Hearth.
I feel inanimate and sense becoming unraveled,
Lost my aspiration for victory on roads untraveled.
I dreamed of a better world where beauty and truth reigned,
I think not of the fragrance that through His Lila He veiled.
I waken from this dull moment, my dreams rushing to the fore,
Will re-fueled aspiration fizzle out like it did before?
I dare not wonder, I’m in the melee now — thick of the fight,
I keep steeling myself thinking of a tomorrow so bright.
To amaze everyone — an outpouring of the force of humanity’s love,
Let’s set our aspiration and striving to become like a turtle dove.
All clean on the inside and fresh and wholesome to the touch,
O humanity, awaken! A brilliant destiny is not asking much.
Go with the flow if you must, but destined to cross to the other side,
Aspire to become Divine, for then shall Angels by you will abide.
In 10 short lines, if a body can re-awaken to the joy that is boundless flight,
Think what victories can be won if to Heaven we put our unflinching sight.
Dream on, my dears! Think of winning the Kingdom this very day.
For there our aspirations merge and good deeds will hold sway.

Read another poem by Imran HERE.
~ Design: Biswajita Mohapatra