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A Little Girl and Her Big Brother – Stories of a Personal Relation with the Divine

Two short stories written by a young author and artist whose work is primarily inspired by her devotion and adoration for Gampu bhai, the name she uses to lovingly call her ishta devata, Lord Ganesha.

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The Art of Heritage Photography – A Conversation with Madhu Jagdhish (Video)

Our guest Mr. Madhu Jagdhish is a heritage photography enthusiast, with special interest in documenting the rich Indian heritage of temple sculptures. A thoughtful exposure to our culture’s artistic heritage and an overall development of aesthetic sensibility and artistic appreciation are important parts of any meaningful education. In the age of smartphones with photography becoming available at fingertips, it is important that youngsters interested in exploring photography as an art-form and a possible vocation are shown this possibility that photography can also become a great medium to go deeper into one’s cultural roots and in the process discover and reveal (for oneself and for others) the rich artistic and aesthetic traditions that we have inherited. In this regard, Mr. Jagdhish’s work makes a significant contribution.

The Art of Heritage Photography – A Conversation with Madhu Jagdhish (Video) Read More »

An Artist’s Meditation: On Space, Art and Experience

An artist – sculptor and painter, muses on the inner dimensions of space, consciousness, art and experience. The piece has a meditative quality to it, and takes the reader to a space within where the inner gradually begins to merge with the outer infinite which is not different from the infinity within.

An Artist’s Meditation: On Space, Art and Experience Read More »

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