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Developing Concentration: A Personal Journey

In presenting a reflective account of his personal journey, the author shares that patience, acceptance, appreciation, perseverance, determination and self-awareness are some of the qualities essential to cultivate if one aspires for developing greater concentration.

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Be Open Like a Flower and Receive the Light

What does it mean to be receptive? How to increase one’s receptivity to the Divine Force? Is Sri Aurobindo’s Force and the Mother’s Force which is essentially One Divine Force working only in the Ashram or for those who are turned to Them? How can we become receptive to the Divine’s healing force? And to creative inspiration? These and many other aspects are explored through various features, including our section on Divine Humour. An insightful conversation with an artist, excerpts from Barin Ghose’s book, a sweet story about a little girl’s love for Ganesha, and an essay from Sri Aurobindo Circle archives complete the issue.

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On Receptivity, Aspiration and Progress

A few selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which highlight some key ideas – what does it mean to be receptive, on what does receptivity depend, how is receptivity connected to aspiration and sincerity, what is the significance of becoming collectively more receptive, and a few more.

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A Little Girl and Her Big Brother – Stories of a Personal Relation with the Divine

Two short stories written by a young author and artist whose work is primarily inspired by her devotion and adoration for Gampu bhai, the name she uses to lovingly call her ishta devata, Lord Ganesha.

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Aspire Intensely but Without Impatience

Aspiration is like an arrow, or like a flame rising upward. But it has to be tended, constantly rekindled. Its direction also needs to be reset when it tends to go here and there. It has to be purified so that no desire or demand gets mixed up with it. Its goal has to be kept in front, always. And what happens when it goes into hiding somewhere? How to light the fire again? And what about the Grace? Will Divine Grace help me rekindle my aspiration? These and many other questions have been explored in the variety of selections featured in this issue.

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The Human Aspiration – Deliberations on The Life Divine (2)

In this first chapter, we get an overview of the eternal human aspiration that has been there since the beginning and promises to remain until the end. This is followed by a review of the apparent contradictions in present human life at present, which Sri Aurobindo explains are Nature’s own method of moving towards a harmony that will fructify ultimately in the transformation of mind, life and body through the light and power of a new consciousness, the emerging Supermind.  

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