Political History of India

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On Indian Nationalism and Yoga

This writing from Karmayogin  speaks perfectly of the deeper nationalism which is compatible with the eternal Indian spirit. What was true for the Indian freedom movement remains valid today, in the sense that similar level of tapasya, pursuit of wisdom and invocation of shakti is demanded for building a future India that is true to her inner genius.

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The Indian Nation and Unity in Diversity

These passages highlight some of Sri Aurobindo’s insights on the true nature of Indian nation towards which we must aspire and work. The specific focus is on the point that the idea of unity in diversity is inherent in the very nature of Indian idea of nation. We also get important hints in these passages on the Hindu spirit of Indian nationalism, a topic that is very timely and significant for today’s and tomorrow’s India.

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The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans – Part 1

Featured here is the last chapter of the book ‘The Tale of My Exile’ by Barin Ghose, a great revolutionary who was captured by the British along with Sri Aurobindo and several others for Alipore Bomb case. This book is his record of his imprisonment at the Cellular Jail at Andamans.

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Indian History in Indian Education: Beyond Ideologies and Politics (Video)

Our conversation with two educators takes us beyond the ordinary ideological and political debates that have plagued the discipline of Indian History and Historiography, and invites us to explore a more integral approach to learning and teaching of History.

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Book Excerpts – ‘History and Culture of India: A New Approach’

Exploring the theme of sincerity in history, we feature excerpts from a couple of introductory chapters from a book authored by Prof. Kittu Reddy, a long-time resident of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and teacher of Indian History and Culture at Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education. The author suggests that when examining Indian history from a subjective point of view, external events gain greater importance in the light of the inner psychological vision and deeper forces behind them. 

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The Psychology of Indian Nationalism – 11

Continuing with the analysis presented earlier, in this part the author argues that Indian national consciousness must arrive at a deeper subjectivity and make spirituality the sole principle of its new effort if India is to be true to her age-long endeavour and render to the world the gift of her spiritual knowledge and her means for the spiritualisation of life to the whole race.

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