Sri Aurobindo

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“Let Your Sincerity and Surrender be Genuine and Entire”

Compiled here are a few words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which highlight the significance of Sincerity on the path of yoga. Sincerity in yoga means to have all the being consciously turned towards the one Truth, the one Divine. But that is one of the most difficult tasks for human nature, much more difficult than a rigid asceticism or a fervent piety. This is why constant guidance and inspiration from Their Words are our support on the way.

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August 15: Its World-Significance (Part 2)

In this part, we learn the inner meaning of why August 15, a date of momentous implications for the values of civilisation has been chosen by India to celebrate her independence. Amal Kiran reminds us that behind the conscious thought of individuals there is the working of that invisible yet potent being which is the national soul or genius.

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August 15: Its World-Significance (Part 3)

Amal Kiran helps us contemplate on how befitting it is that the Independence Day of a country whose chief glory has been God-realisation should coincide with the occasion of Sri Aurobindo’s birth. It would be purblind on our part to miss a signal so pregnant with meaning and fail to see our future bound up with Sri Aurobindo’s presence—our future of true self-growth political as well as cultural and of leadership among the nations on the path of human evolution towards Godhead.

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Sincerity: The Bedrock of Sadhana

The author here reminds us that generally there is a great chasm between what the soul suggests and the intellect understands and the senses execute. The only way to bridge the rift between spirit and its instruments and to create harmony and order in place of clash and cacophony among the different parts of our being is to be absolutely sincere.

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Sri Aurobindo on Isha Upanishad – Part 2

In this part, the author focuses on the first 4 verses of Isha Upanishad. He reminds that this Upanishad addresses itself to the question of world-existence, the problem of harmonising human life and activity with the Reality of Immutable Brahman. The solution it finds is one of the most remarkable found by the ancient Indian mind.

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Choose Wisely, Grow in Knowledge, Surrender to the Guru

We explore two inter-related themes. One is Choice and Wisdom, related to which is the faculty of viveka, the intuitive discriminating reason which is developed by a purification of the organs of thought and knowledge. But all this is possible only by the grace of the Guru, which is our second theme for this issue.

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Sri Aurobindo on Isha Upanishad – 1

In this six-part series, we present an essay by M.P. Pandit which summarises some of Sri Aurobindo’s commentaries on the Isha Upanishad. The first introductory part highlights Sri Aurobindo’s comments on translating the Upanishads, and the errors made by Max Muller and other Indologists who fail to capture the spirit of the scripture because they lack the inner vision of the Truth expressed in scripture.

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