Sri Aurobindo

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Will the New Creation be Preceded by Destruction? (Part 2)

CONTINUED FROM PART 1 True Meaning of the Destroyer Aspect of the Divine This Gita’s conception of God as the Time-Spirit in the aspect of the Destroyer should not be identified with the crude Semitic religious idea of God as a stern and wrathful almighty Creator and Judge who punishes the sinners and casts them […]

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Will the New Creation be Preceded by Destruction? (Part 3)

CONTINUED FROM PART 2 The Two Choices Before Humanity These are the two alternatives facing humanity from which it will have to make its choice. The Mother has drawn our pointed attention to this choice in a recent message: “The Future of the Earth depends on a Change of Consciousness.“The only hope for the future

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Will the New Creation be Preceded by Destruction? (Part 4)

CONTINUED FROM PART 3 Furthering the Evolutionary Transition Therefore whether at the present moment the manifestation of the supramental Truth will or will not be preceded by destruction will depend upon the choice that humanity makes. It may, however, be argued that ultimately it is not the human choice but the Divine Grace that decides

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Man and Nature

This issue is an invocation to the Supreme Force that is the Love of the Divine for the Humanity and the Earth, the Love that carries within it the Force and Power to awaken in both – man and nature – to the deep, hidden yearning for their highest and truest Nature, their Divinity.

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Sri Aurobindo’s Love for Man and Earth -1

Author: Rishabhchand INTRODUCTION All spiritual greatness is a surpassing of the normal human consciousness and an embrace of the universal and transcendent. It is a growing out of the ego-moulds and a discovery of one’s true being in the Infinite and Eternal. The essential characteristic of its feeling in regard to the world of relativities

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Sri Aurobindo’s Love for Man and Earth – 2

Sri Aurobindo’s love of man and earth is a love of God in man and earth, or rather of God as man and earth. That he did not develop it but was born with it, will be amply illustrated and confirmed by his writings, prose and poetical. No greater lover of man has ever been born, – of the entire being of man, and not only of his soul; and no greater prophet of man’s divine destiny.

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Sri Aurobindo’s Love for Man and Earth – 3

A dizzy height of lyrical magnificence is reached in the ‘Rose of God’, the crest-jewel of Sri Aurobindo’s shorter mystical poems, the iridescent Mantra of supra-mental transformation. His love of man and earth attains here a depth and con­centrated intensity of expression which makes the poem at once an invocation and a revelation, a prayer, a prophecy and a promise.

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Sri Aurobindo’s Love for Man and Earth – 4

Sri Aurobindo’s love for man and earth is not humanism, idealistic or realistic; it is not an outcome of an emotional or imaginative idealism, nor an overflow from the widened heart of Spirit-touched sainthood. It is more than compassion and more than even the spiritual emotion born of inner identity. It is a beatific blossom of a complete and constant identification with the Divine who is everywhere, in Matter and Life as much as in the silent Spirit; and it is this union and identification that makes Sri Aurobindo declare in the inspired strain of the Vedic Rishis, “Matter is Brahman”

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Adoration of the Divine Mother

This issue is dedicated to invoking several of the names and forms of Shakti – from Aditi, the Divine Mother to Mother India, the Bharat Shakti; from Mahashakti and Her Four Great Powers to Woman as Shakti, Nāri Shakti. It is an expression of our adoration of the Divine Mother because Hers indeed is the force that moves all and acts in all, the universal Energy, the Conscious-Power.

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